What is EFT Tapping?

The basic premise of EFT:
“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the energy system.”

The only way to really understand EFT is to experience it.  But here are some thoughts to pave the way. 

On the surface, tapping, the popular term for EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques- looks like we are tapping on certain parts of our body.  We are.  When we feel distressed in some way, our body becomes activated. All kinds of stress hormones are released. We feel a physiological response such as tension or nervousness or pain.  Tapping on our subtle energy centers while focusing on that distress stimulates the flow of a neutralizing and calming response to the brain.

Often, you will begin to yawn and notice a sense of release and relief just by beginning the process.  And that may be all you need at that very moment.  More often than not, however, it is just the beginning and deeper work is required to achieve the greatest benefit and desired results.

There is much more to it…

glacier_iceberg_under_waterImagine an iceberg.
Your distress is the tip.  It is what you see, what you feel, the torment, the procrastination, the fear, the tension.   But beneath this tip is a vast underwater mountain of past events, unkind words spoken to you, demands for perfection, and other experiences which may or may not have anything to do with your current issue.

Yet, these negative experiences from our past still affect us because they carry an energy, a “charge” that is triggered in certain circumstances.  Talking helps.  But without a means to neutralize the energy within, we still feel that anxiety.

Our energy system is like subtle electrical circuits.  When they overload (too much stress), they trip a circuit breaker…. and the easy and smooth flow of energy shuts off,  until it is reset.  EFT is a modality that “resets” our energy system in a gentle, yet powerful, way.


Here, you see an illustration of our subtle energy systems, including the meridians, or energy pathways.

Tapping on certain acupuncture points along those meridians, while we focus on a specific emotional or physical pain or limiting belief, releases stuck energy, stimulating and balancing the flow of our subtle energy system. Doing so aids the body’s natural ability to heal emotionally and physically.

EFT safely and gently releases and neutralizes the root causes of our present day distress.  As our energy system is balanced in a deep and lasting way, we are able to experience greater calm, confidence, and new perspectives.

“Our session together facilitated an immediate release of this anger and allowed me to cultivate feelings of safety and comfort that had previously eluded me. I am now able to feel peace.”



EFT is an evidence-based process based on the ancient science of acupuncture, and corroborated by numerous ongoing research and scientific studies around the world.    For further information on the science and research of this cutting-edge process, here are a few sites to visit:




“EFT offers great healing benefits.”   Deepak Chopra, MD
“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”

     Albert Szent-Györgyi, MD Nobel Laureate in Medicine.
“I frequently use EFT for my patients with great results.” Eric Robins MD
“By removing emotional trauma, EFT helps heal physical symptoms too.” Norm Shealy, MD
“Based on my clinical experience and my reading of the research literature, EFT is the treatment of choice for rapid intervention in traumatic situations like Newtown that trigger overwhelming emotions in individuals and groups. Its use can prevent the future development of full-blown PTSD by empowering people to develop control over their own nervous systems.”

    Eric Leskowitz, MD from the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School
“EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior.”
Bruce Lipton PhD

“EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement.” Candace Pert PhD
“EFT produces remarkable recoveries.” Daniel Benor MD ABIHM

Here is an introductory video about EFT by its founder, Gary Craig.