Three Tips for Quickly Quelling a Panic Attack

Recently, after many “quiet” years, I woke up in the middle of the night with an anxiety attack.  Fortunately, and unfortunately for all of the prior “experience”, I knew what I had to do.  And what I could do easily.   Tap.  That’s it.  Tap.

Tapping, the common term for EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques, refers to tapping with your fingertips on certain acupuncture points to send a calming signal to the brain which, in turn, calms the body’s anxiety response.

What I did was tap rapidly and constantly on my collarbone points.   They are my “go to” points.  In the past, I have tapped rapidly and constantly on all the points, around and around and around.  This time it took me 5-10 minutes, although in the past I remember it taking about 15 minutes to feel very calm.   I also find something distracting, to take my mind off of it, like watching television or surfing the internet.  That’s what has worked for me.

My three tips to calm an anxiety attack are:
•  Begin tapping and tap constantly until you feel calm.   You’ll know it.
Tap on one point or a couple or all of them, over and over and over until you feel calm.
Don’t worry about “what to say”  as words are often an important part of the EFT healing process.  No words are necessary.  Simply tap.   You’ll feel calmer before you know it.

You’ll also feel a sense of relief and confidence because you’ll know what to do “next” time.  

Acknowledge, Acknowledge, Acknowledge

You’re anxious.  You’re scared.  You’re stressed.  You’d rather not think about it.  Easier to divert your attention to the television or another bag of chips or work. Almost anything will do.  And there’s nothing wrong with that.  It is a helpful strategy.   Almost any distraction can work for a while.  And thank goodness for that!
But “it” doesn’t go away.  You know that “it” is still there, underlying it all.  And “it” will stay there as long as you don’t acknowledge its presence and do something about it

It’s a hard thing to do, to acknowledge your own truth, to dig deep and say to yourself what is really bothering you.  To acknowledge a fear, worry, regret, shame, sadness, or anger.  But once you do that, and tap round and round the points while you are acknowledging “it”, you can then begin to feel relief, experience release, and transform how you see the world and yourself.

EFT Tapping is an extraordinary tool for both self-help and guided assistance.   Even if you are not ready or able to acknowledge your truth yet, you will know “it” is there by how you feel.   Acknowledge your feelings and your bodily sensations.  They will guide you to what’s under the rug.   And then tap.  You may not notice anything profound at first….except that… your rug is laying flatter…